Couple paintings sold

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Art can represent true, lasting love, arguably the most common dream on our planet. Romantic desire is one of the most complicated feelings to paint, it is a feeling much stronger than words. Representing a couple, especially the expression of their feelings without words is not so simple, you have to get emotionally involved, get to the essential to offer a rendering that is most faithful to the feelings offered by the duo.

Take the time to look at works of art as if you were looking into the eyes of the one you love. A couple's portrait painting cannot lie, it instantly immerses you in their intimacy, in the accuracy and authenticity which nourishes their love, but you can also be touched by violence, heartbreak, discomfort, if the union of these two people is about to break apart.

For me everything, absolutely everything, what happens to us, confronts us with the worst and the best, is a chance and an opportunity to create. Painting soothes me, awakens my moral and physical senses, to sexual tensions generated by visions of people kissing, caressing and loving each other. I have more trouble with the violence, the tears that lead to total rupture, but this subject also remains a fulfillment to draw.

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