Mixed Characters sold

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All works are sold signed, with a certificate of authenticity.

The Paintings by the visual artist presented on this site are protected by copyright. Under no circumstances may you use all or part of the works without written permission from the author. In accordance with article L122-4 of the intellectual property code.
It sometimes happens that we hesitate about our decoration, we don't really know what to hang on the walls, yet we have this empty space, ideal for nailing a frame, but we don't necessarily know much about art, on the other hand we are fans of cartoons, manga or heroic or comic characters who offer us nostalgia. We love vintage, we appreciate everything related to witchcraft, death or love, we appreciate motor sports or architecture, we are a fan of a celebrity or on the contrary we are a fan of a great master whose dream is to own one of the paintings of our favorite artists but the reality is that they are far too expensive for us.

The solution is to find a work in relation to your aspirations, a unique, original work, which can become a subject of conversation during your friendly and family receptions, a painting whose subject covers what you adore the most, which inspires you , which offers you the pride of being only yours and which will only adorn your interior, it will be a bit of a reflection of you and unique.

If you do not find what you are looking for in the exhibitions you visit, I am not talking about the pseudo decoration stores which sell imported works made by hand but on an assembly line at shameful prices and identical to all those in the same department, get closer to a creative person who moves you with his style, his story and ask him what he can produce for you on the subject that you like the most, not only will you help an artist to live but very often it will not help you will not cost much more than the fake painting spotted on the shelves of a major brand.
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