Event paintings sold

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Artists like to recount significant moments in life; they generally evoke events that occurred during their lives. Whether they are mundane, sporting or catastrophic events does not matter. Everyone passively remembers stars or a musical hit, a book, a comic strip, more personal memories like family interviews, as long as this news gave us a strong intimate emotion we print it forever .

Throughout my life I have also been able to witness joyful events but also dramatic things, I represent these memories in my own way, perhaps as an outlet or as lasting information in my brain. I'm better at remembering my early experiences, notably my middle school years from 1990 to 1996, as I assume you counted, and yes it's been 6 years, two repeats in fact, I experienced my first kiss, my first disappointment in love, my youthful bullshit with friends, the meeting that changed my life, my wife!

I cried in the face of certain tragedies, like unimaginable attacks that we never thought we would one day see, suffer, various scourges of animal or human diseases, I stored these periods of life which today, make my personality of current and future adult. We don't remember events that have no meaning for us, we reject insignificant information, we erase the hard drive.
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