Nature in volume for sale

  • Sculpture en bois, vernis, gros travail d'ebenisterie signé JAYM
  • jAYM est n artiste plasticien, la sculpture fait partie des ses tecgniques artistique, à découvrir ici !
  • Bois de chaîne immergé plusieurs années dans un étang d'auvergne sculpté par l'artiste jaym.
  • Chaîne sculpté par l'artiste auvergnat JAYM,  artiste atypique résidant sur la commune de Durtol.
  • Vue de dessus de l'oeuvre au fil des saisons, sculpture signé par l'artiste de Durtol JAYM !
  • Sculpture qui représente les 4 saisons, elle a ét immergé dans l'eau pendant 4 ans au fil des saisons, signé de l'artiste JAYM
  • Piece en chaine, sculpté par l'artiste Jaym après avoir était veilli en immersion dans un étang du puy-de-dôme
  • Sculpture en chaine vernis, monté sur socle en fonte, signé de l'artiste français JAYM
  • Bois de chaîne sculpté par l'artiste Jaym, oeuvre qui représente le temps qui passe.
  • Socle en fonte, poids de musculation recylcé, oeuvre signé JAYM, sculpture auvergnate sur les 4 saisons.
  • You wish a chair from this gallery ?

    Contact me via the “Contact” tab, specifying the name of the selected canvas(es).
    All works are sold signed, with a certificate of authenticity.

    The sculptures of the visual artist presented on this site are protected by copyright. Under no circumstances may you use all or part of the works without written permission from the author. In accordance with article L122-4 of the intellectual property code.

    This section shows natural sculptures, pieces without major transformations, some may come from a pond where they were drowned in its deep waters for more than 4 years, worn, worked, governed by the passing seasons. They are taken up with my own finishes, sanding, coloring, varnishing, but in the simplest way in order to preserve their original shapes as much as possible, in order to remove any unsightly roughness or any areas which have rotted or aged poorly.

    My so-called “nature” creations play with the evolution of time and the seasons, they gather strength and energy, sometimes a certain vulnerability but always with respect, aroused by the emotions that nature evokes in us. The way we look at our environment must shine through in my volumes; it is not always sublime, but will always be fascinating.

    I want my art to escape from classical institutions and the codes that certain notables of art impose, often wrongly, by their simple subjective judgment, I want to preserve my opposition to this segregation for as long as possible and offer the public another vision of what nature can offer us, in its beauty, in its work over time which does not stop.
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